Parliament Website


EDM number 396 in 1992-93, proposed by Harry Barnes on 01/07/1992.

That this House congratulates the group of people behind Initiative '92, the citizens' initiative in Northern Ireland which has launched an independent Commission of Enquiry into ways forward for the region; further welcomes the emphasis both Initiative '92 and its Commission, chaired by the Norwegian human rights lawyer, Professor Torkel Opsahl, are placing on the importance of democratic participation and dialogue in canvassing submissions from the widest possible range of people in Northern Ireland and beyond; looks forward to a full airing of the issues facing the region at the Commission's public hearings over the next year; and believes that its final report should be studied closely by all concerned to promote political progress in Northern Ireland.

This motion has been signed by a total of 13 MPs.

Harry Barnes01/07/1992North East DerbyshireProposed
Peter Bottomley01/07/1992ElthamSigned
Norman Godman02/07/1992Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
Win Griffiths02/07/1992BridgendSigned
David Knox06/07/1992Staffordshire MoorlandsSigned
John Cummings06/07/1992EasingtonSigned
Martin Redmond07/07/1992Don ValleySigned
Terry Rooney08/07/1992Bradford NorthSigned
Derek Enright09/07/1992HemsworthSigned
Ian McCartney13/07/1992MakerfieldSigned
Michael Clapham13/07/1992Barnsley West & PenistoneSigned
Jack Thompson15/07/1992WansbeckSigned
Audrey Wise16/07/1992PrestonSigned

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