Parliament Website

Religious Education In Schools

EDM number 1013 in 1993-94, proposed by Edward O'Hara on 13/04/1994.

That this House notes with concern the findings of a number of recent reports that specialist religious education teachers at various levels in the education system are in short supply, lacking in support, overstretched and under resourced, and that therefore there is frequent underprovision of religious education in primary and secondary schools; and recommends therefore that religious education should be designated a shortage teaching subject, attracting bursaries and other incentives, that relgious education continue to be offered as a specialist subject and as a widely available if not compulsory supportive subject in initial teacher education, and that an intensive programme of inservice education and training in religious education be established for those teachers who wish to develop their competence in the subject, and for those who wish to plan and lead collective worship in schools and to relate this to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

This motion has been signed by a total of 13 MPs.

Edward O'Hara13/04/1994Knowsley SouthProposed
Joe Benton13/04/1994BootleSigned
Alan Meale14/04/1994MansfieldSigned
Eric Clarke14/04/1994MidlothianSigned
Tom Cox14/04/1994TootingSigned
Jimmy Dunnachie14/04/1994Glasgow, PollokSigned
Andrew Faulds14/04/1994Warley EastSigned
Peter Hardy19/04/1994WentworthSigned
Donald Anderson19/04/1994Swansea EastSigned
Tommy Graham20/04/1994Renfrew West and InverclydeSigned
Dennis Turner21/04/1994Wolverhampton South EastSigned
George Galloway29/04/1994Glasgow HillheadSigned
Allan Rogers25/05/1994RhonddaSigned

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