Parliament Website

Firearm Legislation

EDM number 646 in 1995-96, proposed by Tony Banks on 20/03/1996.

That this House demands that Her Majesty's Government take early action to strengthen significantly existing gun law provisions to ensure that all weapons covered by licence and all weapons available for sale or hire should be registered on a centralised computer system, that no licence is issued until a thorough check has been made on the suitability of applicants including a full psychiatric assessment, that every gun is covered by an individual licence, that a ban is imposed on automatic and semi-automatic weapons and that all guns covered by licence are lodged in local police stations.

This motion has been signed by a total of 18 MPs.

Tony Banks20/03/1996Newham North WestProposed
Ken Livingstone21/03/1996Brent EastSigned
Tom Cox21/03/1996TootingSigned
Angela Eagle21/03/1996WallaseySigned
Norman Godman21/03/1996Greenock and Port GlasgowSigned
Lynne Jones26/03/1996Birmingham, Selly OakSigned
Bill Michie26/03/1996Sheffield, HeeleySigned
Terry Davis27/03/1996Birmingham, Hodge HillSigned
Mike Hall27/03/1996Warrington SouthSigned
Eddie Loyden27/03/1996Liverpool, GarstonSigned
Ken Purchase27/03/1996Wolverhampton North EastSigned
Bill Etherington28/03/1996Sunderland NorthSigned
Neil Gerrard28/03/1996WalthamstowSigned
Greville Janner02/04/1996Leicester WestSigned
Terry Rooney17/04/1996Bradford NorthSigned
David Clelland18/04/1996Tyne BridgeSigned
Diane Abbott25/04/1996Hackney North & Stoke NewingtonSigned
Don Touhig15/05/1996IslwynSigned

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