Parliament Website

RBS Branch Closures In North-East Fife

EDM number 1128 in 2016-17, proposed by Stephen Gethins on 29/03/2017.
Categorised under the topic of Financial institutions.

That this House regrets the decision of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) to close branches in Anstruther, Cupar and Leven, putting pressure on the St Andrews branch as the only remaining branch in the area; notes that these branches constitute 75 per cent of current RBS branches in North East Fife; is concerned about the impact that those closures will have on customers, especially the elderly, the vulnerable and those who are not online and value face-to-face contact; further notes that small businesses that rely on local services will be particularly affected by those closures; calls for assurances that RBS will secure the jobs of those affected; supports those affected by branch closures throughout Fife as well as the rest of Scotland; and encourages RBS to reconsider its decision and to provide support for those affected by the closures.

This motion has been signed by a total of 9 MPs.

Stephen Gethins29/03/2017North East FifeScottish National PartyProposed
Jim Shannon30/03/2017StrangfordDUPSeconded
Chris Stephens30/03/2017Glasgow South WestScottish National PartySeconded
Paul Monaghan30/03/2017Caithness, Sutherland and Easter RossScottish National PartySeconded
Alan Brown30/03/2017Kilmarnock and LoudounScottish National PartySeconded
Martyn Day30/03/2017Linlithgow and East FalkirkScottish National PartySeconded
Owen Thompson18/04/2017MidlothianScottish National PartySigned
Drew Hendry18/04/2017Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and StrathspeyScottish National PartySigned
Alex Salmond18/04/2017Signed

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