Parliament Website

Closure Of London Road, Harlow

EDM number 155 in 2017-19, proposed by Robert Halfon on 11/07/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Regional planning and development and Roads.

That this House expresses concern over the decision taken by Harlow District Council to close London Road to motorists, restrict traffic with a bus gate and split the community in two; notes the record number of 409 objections to the planning application and 2,000-plus residents who have joined a protest group; understands that this road has been used as a primary route for residents to access health, educational and leisure services for over 20 years; and calls on the Government to investigate the decision that the local authority has taken to close this vital connection and encourage Essex County Council to reject this Traffic Regulation Order from the planning decision.

This motion has been signed by a total of 2 MPs.

Robert Halfon11/07/2017HarlowConservativeProposed
Jim Shannon13/07/2017StrangfordDUPSeconded

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