Parliament Website

Conduct Of The Minister Without Portfolio And Ministerial Accountabilty

EDM number 428 in 1997-98, proposed by Norman Baker on 11/11/1997.

That this House notes with approval the written Answer given by the Leader of the House to the honourable Member for Cynon Valley of 4th November, Official Report, c121, that 'Ministers are under a duty - set out in the Ministerial Code - to be as open as possible with Parliament and the public, refusing to provide information only when disclosure would not be in the public interest', and contrasts this with the new total lack of accountability of the Minister without Portfolio, whose words in the House on 10th November 1997 were his first since July 1996, whose oral question section totals just five minutes monthly which allowed on its first occasion just one question to be reached, and who has no oral question slot for his considerable duties outside those relating to the Millennium Dome and who, even in written answers, regularly fails to provide the sort of information provided as a matter of course by other Ministers; further notes he has now put a virtual block on any written questions to him about his wider role; and calls on the Prime Minister and the Leader of the House to address this blatant contempt for the Ministerial Code and require the Minister without Portfolio to be accountable to the House in the same way as is every other Minister.

This motion has been signed by a total of 11 MPs.

Norman Baker11/11/1997LewesLiberal DemocratProposed
Paul Keetch11/11/1997HerefordLiberal DemocratSigned
Paul Burstow11/11/1997Sutton & CheamLiberal DemocratSigned
Robert Smith12/11/1997West Aberdeenshire & KincardineLiberal DemocratSigned
Ronnie Fearn12/11/1997SouthportLiberal DemocratSigned
Donald Gorrie13/11/1997Edinburgh WestLiberal DemocratSigned
Jenny Tonge13/11/1997Richmond ParkLiberal DemocratSigned
Matthew Taylor14/11/1997Truro & St AustellLiberal DemocratSigned
Edward Davey17/11/1997Kingston & SurbitonLiberal DemocratSigned
Mike Hancock17/11/1997Portsmouth SouthLiberal DemocratSigned
Jim Wallace25/11/1997Orkney & ShetlandLiberal DemocratSigned

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