Parliament Website

Free Parking At NHS Hospitals In Scotland

EDM number 1128 in 2017-19, proposed by Robert Halfon on 27/03/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Health services and Roads.

That this House notes that free parking in NHS hospitals in Scotland has helped patients save over £25 million from 2008 to 2015 in hospital car parking fees; further notes that free parking in NHS hospitals in England could be as beneficial to patients as it is in Scotland; recognises that NHS patients receiving vital treatment and hardworking staff should not be paying for parking at NHS hospitals in England; and urges the Government to abolish car parking charges for patients, visitors and staff at NHS hospitals in England.

This motion has been signed by a total of 5 MPs.

Robert Halfon27/03/2018HarlowConservativeProposed
Jim Shannon28/03/2018StrangfordDUPSeconded
Bob Blackman28/03/2018Harrow EastConservativeSeconded
Alison Thewliss28/03/2018Glasgow CentralScottish National PartySeconded
David Crausby16/05/2018Bolton North EastLabourSeconded

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