Considerate Commuters Campaign
EDM number 1711 in 2003-04, proposed by Tom Brake on 12/10/2004.
That this House notes Janice Norman's Considerate Commuters campaign; commends the Sutton Guardian for covering her story; calls on the Right honourable Member Alistair Darling, the Secretary of State for Transport, George Muir, the Director General of the Association of Train Operating Companies and Ken Livingstone, London's Mayor to respond positively to her campaign by highlighting the needs of vulnerable commuters and setting out their plans in support of her Considerate Commuters campaign; and further calls on the Secretary of State for Transport, the Association of Train Operating Companies and London's Mayor to help establish the extent of the problems experienced by vulnerable people by confirming how many vulnerable people are injured on public transport as a result of a lack of reserved places for vulnerable people or the failure of other commuters to vacate their seats.
This motion has been signed by a total of 29 MPs.
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