Global Warming
EDM number 387 in 2003-04, proposed by Martin Caton on 12/01/2004.
That this House notes with grave concern the results of the comprehensive two year study undertaken by a global collaboration of experts led by Professor Chris Thomas, of Leeds University, into the effect of higher temperatures on the natural world; notes that this research looked into the consequences of predicted temperature rises on six biologically rich regions of the world; is appalled that climate change over the next 50 years is expected to drive one quarter of land animals and plants into extinction; agrees with Professor Thomas that 'serious conservation action means converting to progressively cleaner technologies rapidly and widely and adhering to and tightening up international agreement'; and calls on the Government to renew its efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and to press other countries, including the USA, to do the same.
This motion has been signed by a total of 55 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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