EDM number 399 in 2003-04, proposed by Harry Barnes on 12/01/2004.
That this House warmly welcomes the successful bone marrow treatment for Crohn's Disease which Diana Fildes of Dronfield, Derbyshire obtained at the Sheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital; notes that she is only the second person in Europe to have received this treatment; congratulates her caring students at Eckington School, Derbyshire for running a fund which has so far raised ú16,000 towards the payment of this essential treatment; calls upon the 'Out of Area Specialist Treatment Panel' made up of primary care trusts in North Derbyshire to review their earlier decision not to fund this treatment within the NHS on the grounds that 'there was a lack of evidence to support a bone marrow transplant in Mrs Fildes' case'; calls upon the NHS to meet the outstanding bill of ú20,000 which her students, friends and relatives are still working to meet; looks forward to her reaching her ambition to return to teaching her supportive students at Eckington School; and calls upon the NHS to conduct immediate trials on bone marrow treatment for Crohn's Disease to open the way for its automatic payment from public funds.
This motion has been signed by a total of 32 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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