Asian People With Disabilities Alliance Premises
EDM number 424 in 2003-04, proposed by Sarah Teather on 14/01/2004.
That this House expresses great concern that the Asian People with Disabilities Alliance, a pioneering self-help disability charity for ethnic minority communities, recognised for its outstanding services, faces eviction from its fully-adapted Disability Centre by North West London Hospitals Trust as part of the authority's PFI redevelopment of Central Middlesex Hospital; notes that in 1993, Central Middlesex NHS Trust and Brent Council insisted that regeneration capital funding of ú450,000 awarded to APDA be invested into renovating a Trust-owned building and that the lease would be drawn up exclusively between the Trust and the Council, who failed to make it clear to the charity that the lease would be limited to 10 years, despite APDA clearly recording its view that it hoped to have occupation of premises modernised at great expense for an unlimited period; further notes that North West London Hospitals Trust has requested that the Alliance vacates the property by March 2004 and that no suitable alternative has yet been identified; and urgently calls upon all parties concerned to work with the Alliance to resolve the current dispute or find a suitable property for it to occupy so that this vital charity may continue to provide services to people in North West London.
This motion has been signed by a total of 21 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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