Legal Aid Delivery By The Not For Profit Advice Sector
EDM number 493 in 2006-07, proposed by Janet Dean on 13/12/2006.
That this House notes the proposed changes in delivery of legal aid based on Lord Carter's review of legal aid procurement, particularly the introduction of fixed fees and payment in arrears; further notes concerns in the not for profit advice sector, including the Citizens Advice Bureau, that the new fixed fee system does not sufficiently take into account the complexity of cases or of client needs and will force providers to reduce case times by refusing to take on long cases or to work with the most vulnerable and that the introduction of payment in arrears will harm the majority of not for profit agencies, which do not have the cashflow to subsidise public services by covering costs upfront; regrets the likely impact of these changes in terms of redundancies and a reduction in the number of agencies offering legal aid; and calls on the Government and the Legal Services Commission to reassess the fee levels and structures proposed and to delay further implementation beyond the April to October 2007 transition period to allow the appropriate adjustments to be made.
This motion has been signed by a total of 88 MPs, 3 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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