Parliament Website

FA Cup Final

EDM number 1301 in 2012-13, proposed by John Leech on 23/04/2013.
Categorised under the topics of Railways and Sports.

That this House regrets the decision to hold the FA Cup Final at 5.15 pm on 11 May 2013; notes that this decision will create real problems for the fans of Manchester City and Wigan who need to return home by train, with the last departure for Wigan leaving Euston at 8.31 pm and the last train for Manchester, Piccadilly leaving Euston at 9 pm; recognises that the decision to delay the kick-off until 5.15 pm is intended to maximise the television audience and to allow fans of other clubs to watch their own team without missing out on watching the final or to avoid league attendances being adversely affected by the FA Cup; further recognises that lessons need to be learnt for the future; and urges the football authorities and television to work together to ensure that in future years the FA Cup Final is held on Saturday at 3 pm, ideally the week after the last round of league matches when Wembley match scheduling allows or as a standalone fixture on a Saturday with the full league programme moved to the Sunday to avoid clashing with league fixtures.

This motion has been signed by a total of 7 MPs.

John Leech23/04/2013Manchester, WithingtonLiberal DemocratProposed
Bob Russell23/04/2013ColchesterLiberal DemocratSeconded
Peter Bottomley23/04/2013Worthing WestConservativeSeconded
Hugh Bayley24/04/2013York CentralLabourSeconded
Graham Stringer24/04/2013Blackley and BroughtonLabourSeconded
David Ward24/04/2013Bradford EastLiberal DemocratSeconded
John McDonnell24/04/2013Hayes and HarlingtonLabourSigned

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