Parliament Website

Ards Football Club

EDM number 1302 in 2012-13, proposed by Jim Shannon on 23/04/2013.
Categorised under the topic of Sports.

That this House congratulates Ards Football Club on its success on winning the Belfast Telegraph Championship One Title; and wishes it well for its return to Irish Premier League football next season after seven years in the Championship.

This motion has been signed by a total of 7 MPs.

Jim Shannon23/04/2013StrangfordDUPProposed
David Simpson23/04/2013Upper BannDUPSeconded
William McCrea23/04/2013South AntrimDUPSeconded
Peter Bottomley23/04/2013Worthing WestConservativeSeconded
Naomi Long24/04/2013Belfast EastAllianceSeconded
Paul Murphy24/04/2013TorfaenLabourSeconded
Lady Hermon24/04/2013North DownIndependentSigned

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