Parliament Website

Hospital Car Parking - Wq 131746

EDM number 1275 in 2017-19, proposed by Robert Halfon on 16/05/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Employment, Health services, Health staff and professions and Roads.

That this House notes the Department of Health and Social Care guidance, entitled NHS patient, visitor and staff car parking principles; further notes that the guidance suggests specifically that NHS organisations should work with public transport providers to make sure that users can get to the site as conveniently as possible; highlights written parliamentary Question 131746 asking how many NHS Trusts in England provide transport between their hospital sites for members of staff whose duties require regular travel between hospitals; notes the response to the Question that such information is not collected centrally; is concerned that the principle and, indeed, the entire guidance could be easily ignored by NHS hospitals in England due to the lack of follow-up by the Government; and urges the Government to introduce legislation to abolish car parking charges in England.

This motion has been signed by a total of 6 MPs.

Robert Halfon16/05/2018HarlowConservativeProposed
Jim Cunningham16/05/2018Coventry SouthLabourSeconded
Bob Blackman17/05/2018Harrow EastConservativeSeconded
Jim Shannon21/05/2018StrangfordDUPSeconded
Lloyd Russell-Moyle21/05/2018Brighton, KemptownLabour/Co-operativeSeconded
David Crausby27/06/2018Bolton North EastLabourSeconded

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