Health And Wellbeing Of Children And Young People
EDM number 1687 in 2017-19, proposed by Jim Fitzpatrick on 11/10/2018.
That this House recognises the increasing challenges to the health and wellbeing of children and young people today; notes that 20 per cent of English pupils aged 10 and 11 are now classed as obese; notes that the number of girls treated for attempting an overdose rose more than tenfold from 1997 to 2017; further notes that 89 per cent of girls and 79 per cent of boys aged five to 15 fail to meet the minimum recommended guidelines for physical activity; recognises that firefighting individual issues is unlikely to reverse the increasing tide of poor outcomes; further recognises that a voice at the heart of Government is required to devise and implement solutions across departments; and calls on the Government to appoint a Cabinet minister for children and young people.
This motion has been signed by a total of 29 MPs.
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