Christopher Alder
EDM number 1006 in 2003-04, proposed by Peter L Pike on 20/04/2004.
That this House congratulates the BBC on the programme, Death on Camera, regarding the death of Christopher Alder in a police station in Hull in 1992; believes that all the circumstances that led to his death that night should be fully considered by a public inquiry also involving all subsequent actions by the Police Complaints Authority, Crown Prosecution Service and others since that date; believes that an inquest verdict of unlawful killing cannot be reconciled with no action being taken against the police involved; and congratulates Janet Alder Lee, Burnley sister of Christopher, for never giving up the fight for a public inquiry for justice to be seen to be done in this case.
This motion has been signed by a total of 56 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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