Psoriasis Awareness Week 15th-22nd May 2004
EDM number 1116 in 2003-04, proposed by Eric Martlew on 04/05/2004.
That this House supports Psoriasis Awareness Week; notes that 2 per cent. of the population in the UK are affected by this non-contagious recurrent skin condition, which is an acceleration of the usual replacement processes of the skin resulting in red, flaky patches of skin; further notes that there is no known definitive cause of, or cure for, psoriasis but that scientists have identified many triggers of the condition which include physical and emotional stress as well as genetic factors; recognises that the condition has psychological as well as physical effects and that a recent survey reported that seven out of 10 sufferers experienced rejection from people who misunderstood the disease; and calls on the Government to ensure that Psoriasis Awareness Week receives due attention.
This motion has been signed by a total of 80 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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