EDM number 1351 in 2003-04, proposed by Alan Meale on 15/06/2004.
That this House is alarmed to learn that Sudan, the largest country in Africa, already badly affected by over two decades of civil unrest which has caused the deaths of at least two million of its people by fighting, or as a direct result of war-induced famine, should yet again be subjected to recent escalating levels of violence because of a complex web of conflicts involving rebel forces, the Sudanese Government and government-backed militias, which have, since February 2003, left an estimated 30,000 dead, 1.2 million people internally displaced and a further 120,000 more having to flee for their lives across the border into Chad; and calls upon Her Majesty's Government urgently to work with all the UK's international partners to take whatever steps necessary to end the misery, loss and despair felt by the vast majority of innocent Sudanese citizens.
This motion has been signed by a total of 111 MPs.
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