Local Street Names
EDM number 1759 in 2003-04, proposed by Brian Cotter on 18/10/2004.
That this House notes the inconvenience and distress caused by local authorities giving a new street a name that is similar or identical to the name of another street in the same area; recognises that problems arising from this can include missing credit card bills, the unwanted and unauthorised change of utility suppliers and bailiffs trying to repossess the wrong person's property; therefore calls on local authorities to take greater note of the Street Name Plates and the Numbering of Premises guidelines, as issued by the then Department of Transport in 1993; urges local authorities to consult with Royal Mail when considering new street names, as advised by the guidelines; and stresses the importance to both Royal Mail and the emergency services for local authorities not to give new streets similar names to exiting roads that are in the same locality.
This motion has been signed by a total of 31 MPs.
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