Amicale Parlementaire Du Rugby A Treize
EDM number 330 in 2003-04, proposed by David Hinchliffe on 18/12/2003.
That this House warmly welcomes the establishment of Amicale Parlementaire du Rugby a Treize, a Rugby League Parliamentary Association in France; recalls that, in one of the most disgraceful episodes in sporting history, rugby league in that country was banned as a sport by the Vichy Government, its assets being removed and never returned; notes that the French Government's recent commission of inquiry into sport during the Occupation confirmed the injustice suffered by the treizistes; is concerned that the question of reparation has not so far been addressed; further notes that the European Commission has written to the French Government about discrimination against rugby league; welcomes the new Association's efforts to lift the ban on the sport being played in certain municipal stadia and campaign for its introduction into the curriculum for future PE teachers; wishes the Association well in its efforts on behalf of rugby league; and calls upon the British Government to support the European Commission's representations to the French Government.
This motion has been signed by a total of 37 MPs.
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