Political Pluralism In Uganda
EDM number 595 in 2003-04, proposed by Mike Hancock on 10/02/2004.
That this House notes that the Ugandan authorities have restricted political activities for the past 10 years; welcomes the decision by the Government and opposition groups to agree to commence talks on the country's transition to political pluralism in 2006; regrets that the Cabinet has recommended a constitutional amendment to lift the Presidential two-term limit; further notes the United Nations Human Development Report 2002, which states that 'politics is a matter for human development. Reducing poverty depends as much on whether poor people have political power as on their opportunities for economic progress. Democracy has proven to be the system of governance most capable of mediating and preventing conflict and of securing and sustaining well-being'; and calls therefore on Her Majesty's Government, as a major donor to Uganda, to encourage the Ugandan authorities to respect the constitution and to co-operate with the opposition and arrive at a consensus if Uganda is to have a peaceful transition to multi-party democracy after the 2006 presidential election.
This motion has been signed by a total of 34 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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