Parliament Website


EDM number 907 in 2017-19, proposed by Christine Jardine on 06/02/2018.
Categorised under the topics of Diseases, Health finance and Health services.

That this House recognises that Perjeta is one of the most effective new drugs against incurable HER2 positive secondary breast cancer; welcomes that Perjeta can give women with incurable HER2 positive metastic breast cancer nearly 16 months of additional life compared to existing treatments; notes that Perjeta has now been made routinely available to women in England on the NHS; acknowledges that Perjeta is only available to women in Scotland who can afford to finance it themselves or are successful in an exceptional NHS Individual Patient Treatment Request; and calls on the Scottish Medicines Consortium, Perjeta's manufacturer, Roche and the Scottish Government to resolve the deadlock concerning the cost of the drug so that it can be readily available to all women in Scotland.

This motion has been signed by a total of 4 MPs.

Christine Jardine06/02/2018Edinburgh WestLiberal DemocratProposed
Jim Shannon07/02/2018StrangfordDUPSeconded
Jim Cunningham08/02/2018Coventry SouthLabourSeconded
Layla Moran12/03/2018Oxford West and AbingdonLiberal DemocratSeconded

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