International Nurse Recruitment
EDM number 22 in 2003-04, proposed by Tim Yeo on 26/11/2003.
That this House is concerned at the findings of the three-year study International Nurse Mobility: Trends and Policy Implications conducted jointly by the Royal College of Nursing, the International Council of Nurses and the World Health Organisation; notes that the United Kingdom and Ireland are found to be more reliant on nurses from overseas than any other developed nation and that the United Kingdom is the most reliant on recruiting nurses from developing countries; further notes the negative impacts such recruitment has on exporter countries, and that these include the effects on the remaining staff, the reduction in both the level and quality of services and the loss of specialist nursing skills; and calls on the Government to ensure that all the private agencies that it uses to help in its recruitment of nurses from abroad have signed up to the Government's own code of conduct on this issue.
This motion has been signed by a total of 69 MPs.
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