Inquiry Into The Public Library Service
EDM number 848 in 2009-10, proposed by Judy Mallaber on 09/02/2010.
Categorised under the topic of Libraries.
That this House applauds the essential contribution UK libraries and library staff have made to the social, cultural and economic well-being of the country's communities for the past 150 years; notes that more people in the UK visit libraries than football matches or cinemas; acknowledges that despite increased investment in the library service over the past decade, more needs to be done to keep libraries central to their communities; welcomes the launch of UNISON's Love Your Libraries - The People's Inquiry into the Public Library Service in the UK, which will assess the major contribution made by those working in the library service and library users and make recommendations on how to safeguard investment in the future of the library service; and calls on the Government to include the findings of the inquiry in its current review of the library service.
This motion has been signed by a total of 64 MPs.
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