Future Of The National Neighbourhood Watch Association
EDM number 1335 in 2003-04, proposed by Nicholas Winterton on 09/06/2004.
That this House applauds the excellent work undertaken by local Neightbourhood Watch organisations throughout the country in reducing crime and building community cohesion; recognises the importance of the role played by the National Neighbourhood Watch Association in offering an independent national framework that provides invaluable support to the 160,000 local Neighbourhood Watch groups, particularly in terms of promoting good practice and publicising the work of the Neighbourhood Watch movement; recognises their efforts to secure private sector funding; is concerned at the current financial crisis faced by the National Neighbourhood Watch Association; and calls on the Government to safeguard the survival of the National Neighbourhood Watch Association by allowing them to use the Neighbourhood Watch logo in anyway that is consistent with maintaining its integrity as a public asset.
This motion has been signed by a total of 126 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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