EDM number 167 in 2003-04, proposed by Virginia Bottomley on 01/12/2003.
That this House notes Carers' Rights Day being held on 5th December; congratulates Carers UK for organising the day in partnership with British Gas; further notes the wide range of activities that are being organised by 250 carers' groups across the United Kingdom; welcomes this timely initiative given that 2.3 million people become carers every year; recognises the importance of ensuring that all carers are aware of their entitlement to benefits and services; acknowledges the value of employment policies such as that implemented by British Gas that enable people with care responsibilities to access opportunities for flexible working; further recognises the contribution of previous Carers' Rights days to increasing the take-up of carer's allowance; and calls upon local authorities, benefits offices, NHS trusts, Government and voluntary organisations to ensure that carers are aware of their rights and entitlements.
This motion has been signed by a total of 78 MPs.
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