In The Dog House
EDM number 187 in 2003-04, proposed by Andrew Rosindell on 02/12/2003.
That this House welcomes the report, In the Dog House, which highlights the need of an estimated 25,000 dogs per night to be cared for in private homes as opposed to traditional kennels; acknowledges that under present legislation and unbeknown to 95 per cent. of the pet owning population, the home of any person caring for one or two dogs in exchange for money has to be licensed; congratulations Rodney Hedley on the publication of his report and acknowledges the contribution made by Pals4Pets, the first professional pet caring company in the country to be licensed, who have brought, In the Dog House, to the attention of the House; and joins with Pals4Pets in calling on Her Majesty's Government to update the Animal Boarding Establishment Act 1963 to make it more appropriate, qualitative and relevant to modern day pet mining services.
This motion has been signed by a total of 41 MPs.
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