Ten Year Commemoration Of The Rwandan Genocide
EDM number 941 in 2003-04, proposed by Brian Cotter on 30/03/2004.
That this House recognises the ten year anniversary commemoration of the genocide in Rwanda which began in April 1994; acknowledges the importance of such an anniversary for international relations; hopes that, following this human tragedy, the United Nations as well as all countries, regions and peoples throughout the world will learn from its terrible consequences and ensure that a similar tragedy never happens again; notes that the campaign by the Survivors' Fund to support women survivors of the genocide who have contracted HIV/AIDS as a result of a concerted campaign of rape and sexual violence in 1994 is valid and indeed crucial for helping the women to lead a normal life; further recognises that the lack of access to affordable antiretroviral drugs inhibits their ability to work and take care of Rwanda's children; therefore acknowledges that the legacy of the genocide is still very much a problem in today's Rwanda; and calls upon the Government to increase pressure on international pharmaceutical companies to reduce the cost of antiretroviral drugs for the developing world.
This motion has been signed by a total of 113 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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