Gangmasters Licensing Authority
EDM number 1366 in 2008-09, proposed by John McDonnell on 28/04/2009.
Categorised under the topic of Employment.
That this House notes that the Gangmasters Licensing Authority was created in the aftermath of the Morecambe Bay tragedy to protect workers from exploitation in agriculture, horticulture, shellfish gathering and food processing and packaging; congratulates Gangmasters Licensing Authority staff for the good work they do to safeguard the welfare and interests of workers while ensuring that labour providers operate within the law; further notes that the limitations of the Authority's remit leaves workers in other industries vulnerable as gangmasters are diversifying into construction, textiles, catering and cleaning trades, outside the remit of the Gangmasters Licensing Authority; and therefore calls for a widening of the Gangmasters Licensing Authority remit to incorporate all vulnerable workers whether migrant or casual workers, and improved resourcing to enable the Gangmasters Licensing Authority to carry out its functions to achieve the best results possible.
This motion has been signed by a total of 95 MPs, 1 of these signatures have been withdrawn.
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