Grenfell Tower Fire
EDM number 143 in 2017-19, proposed by Jim Fitzpatrick on 10/07/2017.
Categorised under the topics of Death, Emergency services and Housing standards.
That this House joins with IOSH, the occupational safety and health community, and others to express sorrow and concern following the tragic Grenfell Tower fire; mourns the loss of at least 80 lives and the profound suffering of those affected; commends the outstanding efforts of the emergency services and volunteers in the face of such adversity; and strongly urges that the review of Part B of the Building Regulations 2006 is now expedited, that lessons from the investigation regarding prevention and protection are learned and the recommendations of the forthcoming public inquiry are promptly implemented, so that such a terrible and preventable disaster never happens again.
This motion has been signed by a total of 36 MPs.

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