Hospitality Training Foundation
EDM number 1084 in 2001-02, proposed by Barry Gardiner on 26/03/2002.
That this House notes the importance of the hospitality industry in providing one in 10 of all jobs and one in five of all new jobs; recognises the excellent work carried out by the Hospitality Training Foundation in working with employers to create a nationally-recognised qualifications framework for the hospitality industry and to facilitate training of employees to a recognised standard, particularly through development and implementation of the Workforce Development Plan; is concerned that the Hospitality Training Foundation will cease to be a National Training Organisation at the end of March with the abolition of the NTO system but that the sector must have a licensed Sector Skills Council before September to build on and continue the excellent work of the NTO; and urges the Secretaries of State for Education and Skills and for Culture, Media and Sport to work together in order to ensure that the Sector Skills Council licence is awarded as soon as possible.
This motion has been signed by a total of 91 MPs.
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