Transatlantic Trade And Investment Partnership, Democracy, Rights And The Rule Of Law
EDM number 202 in 2014-15, proposed by Geraint Davies on 01/07/2014.
Categorised under the topics of Companies, Human rights, International trade and North America.
That this House notes that the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership includes investor-state dispute settlements that are being designed in secret, so enabling multi-national companies to intimidate and sue governments for lost profits due to Government policies designed to protect the public as consumers or workers or to change the level of public ownership, that such settlements will be decided in private by arbitration panels, not in open court, that such actions and arrangements threaten to compromise the UK's established democracy, human rights and the rule of law and that the shared fruits of trade should not be at the expense of the social and economic justice that democracy demands; and therefore calls on the Government to ensure that all proposed arrangements are fully scrutinised by Parliament and that no arrangements are made which compromise established standards of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.
This motion has been signed by a total of 72 MPs.
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